
Assistant Professor

University of Milano-Bicocca

(January 2024 - Present)

Milano, Lombardy, Italy

Researcher working on the AdvaNced Technologies for HumancentrEd Medicine (ANTEHM) project. Focused on application of signal processing and machine learning on brain related data (EEG signals, fMRI etc...) for disease diagnostic and Brain Computer Interfaces.

Research fellow

Imaging and Vision Laboratory @ Unimib

(June 2018 - Present)

Milano, Lombardy, Italy

Researcher on Image Processing and Enhancement, Computational Photography and Machine Learning. Working on algorithms for digital camera and image restoration.

Postdoctoral research fellow

National Institute of Nuclear Phisics - INFN

(January 2022 - January 2024)

Milano, Lombardy, Italy

Research on Signal and Image Processing for remote sensing systems. Research related to Progetto Pignoletto supported by Regione Lombardia

Research fellowship

Imaging and Vision Laboratory @ Unimib

(June 2018 - October 2018)

Milano, Lombardy, Italy

Research on Signal and Image Processing for image quality enhancement and compression algorithms.

Research Internship

NEC Corporation Tokyo

(January 2018 - June 2018)

Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan

Period of internship as junior researcher on Computer Vision and Remote Sensing systems. Specifically, working on the design of an imega enhancement algorithm, based on Machine Learning, for satellite imaging.

Link to publication | Certificate


Digital Signal and Image Management

Course of master's degree in Data Science

Tutor - Academic Year 2020/2021

Data Bases

Course of bachelor's degree in Computer Science

Tutor - Academic Year 2020/2021

Digital Signal and Image Management

Course of master's degree in Data Science

Tutor - Academic Year 2019/2020


ICVSS 2019 - International Computer Vision Summer School

07 - 13 July 2019, Sicily, Italy


Ph.D. Computer Science

(November 2018 - June 2022)

Department of Informatics, Systems and Communications - DISCO, University of Milano - Bicocca

Supervisor: Prof. Raimondo Schettini

Co-supervisor: Prof. Simone Bianco

Ph.D. in Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Image & Signal Processing.

Master's Degree in Computer Science (110L / 110)

(2015 - 2018)

Department of Informatics, Systems and Communications - DISCO, University of Milano - Bicocca

Master's degree in computer science, with focus on image processing and enhancement.

Thesis: Single-Image Super-Resolution using Convolutional Neural Networks

Supervisor: Prof. Raimondo Schettini

Co-supervisor: Dr. Flavio Piccoli

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science (110 / 110)

(2012 - 2015)

Department of Informatics, Systems and Communications - DISCO, University of Milano - Bicocca

Thesis on the development of a tool for Petri nets design and simulation

Thesis: PIE - PetriNet’s Integrated Enviroment